Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360)  2008


Advanced 3D platform video game (allows greater freedom of movement with regard to its 3D environment and wider range of actions—such as sliding under barriers, tumbling, wall-running, and walking across ledges; allowing a range of vision which incorporated the legs, arms, and torso of the character as frequently visible elements on-screen. no heads-up display presented)

Mirror's Edge

Gameplay video

pictures from strategy guide

Mirror's Edge
picture from strategy guide


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internet art

Magazine preview - Games tm (2008)

Mirror's Edge
Magazine preview - Xbox 360 Official (2008)

Magazine preview - Xbox 360 Official (2008)

Mirror's Edge
Cover art


1) Mirror's Edge takes place in an unnamed utopian city in near future where life is comfortable and crime almost non-existent. But the city's state of bliss is the achievement of a domineering and totalitarian regime, which monitors all communication, controls the media, spies on its citizens and has policies which include the outright prohibition of smoking and alcohol. The City also operates sham trials, and runs on a sham democracy. Eighteen years before the events of the game they had opened fire on a protest against their rule, killing many civilians.
2) Mirror's Edge is powered by the Unreal Engine 3, with the addition of a new lighting solution, developed by Illuminate Labs.
3) According to senior producer Owen O'Brien, Mirror's Edge aims to "convey strain and physical contact with the environment", with the goal of allowing a freedom of movement previously unseen in the first-person genre.
4) Windows version features support for NVIDIA's PhysX, adding detail and physics to glass, smoke and soft materials (Watch
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard for more).
5) Certain structures, most notably the monstrous underground route protagonist Faith takes at one point, along with the writing on signs seen throughout the game may suggest that the game takes place in Tokyo or somewhere within the country of Japan.
6) This game is an "Easter Egg" in the
Battlefield 4 (2013) single player mission "Shangai" as part of an advertisement on a TV. The commercial asks 3 questions: "Do you like to run? Do you like heights? and Do you like the color red?", then the word "Faith" appears along with a sneaker that she wears in the game.
7) There was originally going to be a prison level where you save Kate, but it was cut.

9) Also released on PlayStation 3 and Windows. Planned Wii version is unreleased.
10) Took 400 computer processors  in the same room to make textures calculations for game.

11) Protagionist's promo art photos are actually computer generated (possible unknown actress was used as model), which is very rare for games at the time.

12) Game is not emulated.

Site Developed from 2008-2014

Site Launched -2014, may

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